Students For Western Civilisation is Starting a Branch at McGill University

Through Canadian universities, students are indoctrinated with messages such as:

  1. That all white people are racist

  2. That only white people can be racist

  3. That white societies are necessarily “white supremacist” societies.

  4. That white people invented the concept of race and thereby invented racism itself.

  5. That white people are “privileged”, and our status, wealth, property can therefore be justifiably appropriated.

  6. That white people are uniquely “fragile”.

  7. And that any affirmative expression of white people’s identity (“whiteness”) should be oppressed and destroyed.

It’s our position that ideas and statements like these constitute Hate Propaganda. The Canadian Criminal Code defines hate propaganda as “statements” which are used to “promote hatred against any identifiable group”, and these statements, which are being propagated through our government funded universities, promote hatred towards white people. Furthermore, the damaging impact of these statements is not mitigated by the fact that they are presented in an academic context, to the contrary, their association with academia serves to further amplify their damaging impact by granting to them the stamp of scholarly legitimacy. Indeed, one of Canada’s most famous hate propaganda cases—R v Keegstra—dealt with statements disseminated in a classroom setting.

Anti-white hate speech is able to survive within the academy only because it is sheltered from scrutiny. While modern university culture may feign the trappings of detached, objective scholarship, in reality, the contemporary study of race relations is a partisan, disingenuous endeavour, which is undisturbed by criticisms and perspectives beyond those of the far-left. 

That’s why we need White Students Unions.

Canadian universities like McGill have many ethnicity based student groups, but none which defend the special interests of white students. White students unions are necessary to advocate for the interests of that ethnic group towards whom expressions of hatred are not only tolerated, but promoted by our universities themselves. Foremost among those interests is establishing and maintaining a culture of free-speech and intellectual diversity to ensure that anti-white pseudo-scholarship is met with sound counter-arguments. 

If you join us, you’ll be persecuted. You’ll be ostracized; slandered and attacked. But the fact that our ethnic group is persecuted for peacefully expressing our political interests is not an excuse to remain silent, instead it is all the more reason why we are obligated and duty-bound to stand up for and assert ourselves. 

You can apply for membership at If you agree with our cause, non-white people are welcome to join us as well.